Friday, March 22, 2019

Dusting off the blog! Past crafts:crochet

I have been crafting recently, I just stopped blogging about it. Here’s some things that I’ve made with my crochet hook in the intervening time.
Amigurumi - I made a few little animals as presents for my nephew when he was born:

The patterns for these came from “Let’s Get Crafting” magazine who helpfully put all their patterns online too, so here’s the links if you want to try. The wool is double knit weight.
dolphin pig crocodile
and here’s a little red dragon that I made for myself by adapting the crocodile pattern.

Blankets - I’ve made a few blankets for my friends and their babies, the first one I made was a stripy red one for my friend’s twins.

Here’s a granny square blanket that I made for us to curl up with on the sofa:

This one is one that I started not knowing who it was for and then I finished it when I got pregnant. I actually made two to the same pattern but somehow they ended up slightly different sizes. My tension isn’t always consistent so I like blankets because it doesn’t matter if they end up slightly the wrong size! It look like its lots of different colours, but it’s actually only two, the green sparkly wool and the rest is multicoloured random-dyed wool. The pattern for this came from “Let’s Get Crafting” as well so here’s the link Filet Crochet Blanket

Here she is when she was tiny under the blanket. She uses it for her dolls pram these days.

Baby clothes - I got a book of crochet baby patterns, so I made a couple of things from it, but the sizing seemed to end up a bit too big (could be my tension again) so I didn’t make too many after that.
Jumper - this one is for my cousin’s baby, it’s made with random dyed wool so that it can be stripy without having lots of ends to sew in! I made the 3-6 months size but it fitted him till he was a year old. The pattern is quite clever so there is only a small amount of sewing up, the centre back plus a small bit around the arms.

Coat - I made this for my daughter but it turned out that the sleeves were too long once she grew into the rest of it, and since it’s made of chunky wool it’s difficult to turn up the sleeves, so she hasn’t worn it all that much.

Dress - this was for my friend’s little girl for her first birthday. The zigzag stripes took ages with all the increases and decreases but it looks good in the end.
Other things - There’s a few other bits and bobs that I’ve made in the past few years.
Tiger gloves - I made some tiger stripy gloves out of chunky wool for my D&D character. I got the pattern from The Crochet Crowd, who do lots of free patterns and video tutorials, though they are based in Canada so the wool they use is not always available here.
Hungry Caterpillar - I made this as a toy for Grace before she was born. It was supposed to be about two feet long but ended up a lot bigger, I think I used wool that was heavier than the pattern intended. The original pattern is from a blog that doesn't seem to be active any more. If anyone wants the version I used, I have it written down somewhere so just drop me a comment.
Well I think that’s enough for now to cover the past six year of crocheting.

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