Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Marzipan learns crochet

I have a friend who teaches children to crochet in schools, and one day I was at her house chatting about wool whith her and another friend (as you do) when I said I wanted to learn crochet. She gave us a quick lesson, but I didn't quite get the hang of it, and then she went away for summer holidays...

A few weeks later she came around to my house & taught me how to make chain (it's like finger knitting but with a hook) and slipstitches (to tie the bits of chain together). I made a ring, and a flower:
Ring and flower made of chain & slipstitches
Then I got a bit carried away, and I tried to make a lacy mat-type thing with different colours of wool that I had:
Based on a flower, with chains around the edgeExcept it looks a bit more like a hat than a mat.

I got quite into making chain while I was on the bus to work but I got a bit carried away:
This chain is longer than I am when it's stretched out.
 Then I was in the crafty-shop one lunchtime, and I found some pretty wool to save me having to change colour all the time, and made a flower with it.
Pretty firework wool!
The trouble with that wool is that it's hard to see the stitches because it's so dark.

I got a bit bored of making chain after a while, but yesterday my friend taught me to make proper crochet (double crochet) in rows so now I have something else to do on the bus:
A very tiny scarf?
It's only about an inch wide as it's about eight stitches in a row. Any ideas for what to make with it? Or should I just try to make something more sensible & call this a practice piece?

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