Sunday, January 5, 2020

Clothkits peekaboo birdie dress

Child in a red dress building a tower
When we were children, my mum used to make clothes for me and my sisters from Clothkits and when I found out that the company had been re-started, I asked for a kit for my birthday present so I could make something for my daughter.
I then put off making it for ages but I finally got around to it over Christmas and it was easier than I expected!
Main fabric pieces cut out
Cutting out the lining fabric
The instructions were clear and easy to follow, though as I was making a bigger size I did have to re-sew the arm hole seams as the lines for the smallest size were still showing (clothkits have the pattern printed on the fabric so you don't need to trace from the paper pattern - of course this also means you can't re use the pattern unless you traced it from the fabric before you start (which I didn't).
Ready for sewing

The small one was very interested in my sewing machine so she helped wind the handle!
My little helper
I did have a bit of trouble with my buttonhole attachment but once I sorted that out the buttonholes came out really neat. I had several practices on some fabric offcuts to make sure they would be the correct size.
Buttonholes and buttons added
I also have a kit to make a hat and bag to match the dress so if she wants those too, I'll let her help a bit more with those!

Finished dress - front view Finished dress - back view

In her new dress! 

This was the "peekaboo birdie dress" which I made in age 3 size. Here's the link if you want to make it yourself : Clothkits

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