Monday, April 15, 2019

More children’s backpacks, and an adjustment to the ribbon ends

I've been busy lately making more backpacks for my friends children. Here they are all together:

I also noticed that cutting the ribbon ends diagonally wasn't enough to stop them fraying, so the ones that were already done I sealed with clear nail varnish. The ones that weren't done yet, I cut a small square of iron on interfacing to iron to the end and folded over so that when the snap was attached it would be through a double thickness of ribbon.

Hopefully this will stop the ends from fraying, though on reflection I should have used hemming tape not interfacing.
Anyway that's enough bags for now! Next on the list is a sunhat for the small one.


  1. I think you might be having some issues with including images - I can't see any of them and when I try to follow the source - they don't exist there either.

    1. Thanks for letting me know. Just noticed it’s happened with some of the other posts too. I’ll see if I can fix it tomorrow.
