Friday, September 30, 2011

Denim skirt from jeans - 25/9 to 29/9/11

I found this project on the Singer website (here).
I had a pair of jeans with rips in both knees so I thought I'd make a skirt out of them. The length was dictated by the location of the rips! It ended up just above knee length.
Legs cut off
 It took quite a long time to unpick all the seams so I got a bit bored between unpicking and sewing back together.
Here is the finished skirt:
Front of skirt
Back of skirt
The seams went a bit funny where they changed from the existing seam to mine. This is because I couldn't do the seams the same way the manufacturers had because I'm not good enough at sewing (and my machine can't do zigzag).
Now I need to think of another project to do though we're moving house soon so I might just have a rest from crafty things while we pack everything into boxes!

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