Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Where are all my pins? UFOs and the pile of shame

I'm sure many crafters have a similar problem to this: you go to start a new project, but your pins/crochet hook/ embroidery hoop are still being used for a previous project that's not quite finished yet. This year, I'm trying to finish off some of my UFOs (unfinished objects). So far I've completed three new projects and not finished any old ones! So here's a list of my current UFOs and how long it's been since I started them. At the end of the year I'll do a review post to see how many I managed. Crochet shawl - started Nov 2018 My friend was making shawls to give to a women's shelter near her, and I offered to help. However life got in the way and somehow this got abandoned. Hopefully I can finish it off before next winter. 40% complete.
Dress - started May 2016 After I finished my vampire cosplay, I was all enthusiastic about sewing and I found a pattern for a summer dress that I could do as part of a sew-along blog. I was most of the way along (though the instructions were a bit frustrating) and then I found out I was pregnant so it seemed kind of pointless trying to make a dress that might never actually fit me. I packed away my sewing machine into a cupboard as we needed that room for the nursery. However I'm now more or less the size I used to be, so I'm going to try to finish this off and adjust the size a bit if I need to. 75% complete
Quilted Square - started Feb 2014 I intended to make this for a friend's baby when it was born. The child is now five. I have the quilting all done, I even made a label but somehow I didn't manage to finish hand stitching the binding around the edges. 90% complete
Fabric baby book - started 2007 I got a kit to make a baby book with embroidery when my niece was born. She's eleven now and I still haven't done it! I would have made it for my daughter if I had remembered where it was. 5% complete
Camp blanket - started 2000 ish You could argue that a camp blanket is never finished as you keep collecting badges throughout your life. This is true, but I have quite a lot of badges to sew on in a bag somewhere. Priority low as I don't go camping any more! Kingfisher cross stitch - started 2003 This was a Christmas present from my sister as my name when I helped with Brownies was Kingfisher. The main part of the picture is done, but I have quite a lot of awkward stitches on their own to finish the picture. This has been packed away in a cupboard for about eight years. 60% complete.
Last but not least - the mending pile There are several things gathering dust on my mending pile. I should really get around to fixing them - if I could remember where I tidied it away to. I'm not going to bother listing the projects that I bought things for and never actually started. That would be too long of a list...

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